Let us make hay while the sun shines.- Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote de la Mancha
So I had a pile of reds, golds, and browns, culled from the donated fabric bin at the meeting of Community First! Quilters. The fields are ripe, they said - it's harvest time.
The front and back are both improvised strip-piecing. The emerging pattern reminded me of aerial photographs of farmland.
See the burgundy? It was in my fabric stash for ages. It was just waiting for that exquisite harvest-gold botanical print to pair with.
Like, hey, what's up cheese? I'm that wine you've been thirsting after.
This spring-green patch was left over from a previous quilt.
Making Hay was my first ever longarm quilting experience. Many thanks to Jessica and Ellie at The Cotton Cupboard for their patient teaching!
What is Modern Quilting? Learn more about Mobile Loaves & Fishes What is the Community First! Village? Contribute your quilting skills to the Community First! Quilters