All Things Fowl for A Hiding Place

All Things Fowl. Scratchboard, 10 x 8 inches, 2016 by Sarah Atlee All Things Fowl Scratchboard, 10 x 8 inches, 2016 by Sarah Atlee. $330 For purchase inquiries, contact [Artspace] at Untitled at or by calling 405.815.9995

This post first appeared on my Patreon page.

A Hiding Place: Artists Respond to Poetry

"As children we all played hide and seek. We learned through that game: the stillness of hiding and the necessity of being found. Both are essential to living the communal life. this collaborative project expolores these themes through poetry and art. We have generated a creative conversation of the senses, of image and movement and language, so that what is hidden can be known."

- From the statement by curator and poet Jane Vincent Taylor

All Things Fowl is based on Jane Vincent Taylor's poem, "Being Little Catholic Girls." A snippet:

We lit candles. It was dangerous. Incense smoked out all things foul.

About the Imagery

The composition is based on traditional Byzantine icon paintings. Guillem Ramon-Poqui's book The Technique of Icon Painting (Amazon) is a great resource on this topic.

Who's that hen? The nun's habit and background images are inspired by the early Christian mystic and polymath, Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179). You can read about her remarkable life on Wikipedia.

Among her accomplishments, Hildegard invented an alphabet and language known as the Lingua Ignota. The little hula doll in the corner is using Hildegard's Litterae Ignotae to say "Aloha."

all things fowl detail eye 2 72 500

Scratchboard is a wonderful process of reductive drawing. It's all about what you take away. And the level of detail I can get with my x-acto knife is so pleasing.

A Hiding Place opens at [Artpsace] at Untitled on Thursday, July 28, and will be up through September 10. Visit the gallery website for more details.



Illustration Friday: Blur

Whatcher Yennough, Patron Saint of First Impressions, acrylic and collage on found plywood, 2009 by Sarah Atlee. Click image to view source.
Whatcher Yennough, Patron Saint of First Impressions, acrylic and collage on found plywood, 2009. (Detail view.) Click image to view source.

He's, I don't know, maybe medium-sized, you know, average height, with short brown hair. I think he wears glasses. Eyes? Maybe bluish-brownish. Kinda dark, but, you know, not like dark dark. He was kinda funny-lookin'.

Whatcher is available at aka gallery in Oklahoma City. Detail views here and here.

And Twice On Sunday: VMII Nov and Dec

I'm in a new three-gal show, with Ashley Griffith and Carlie Bentley, opening at the Velvet Monkey Too Salon in Oklahoma City. I made some saints and stuff, so my series is called And Twice On Sunday. And Twice On Sunday, VMII, OKC, 11.07

The opening reception is Saturday, November 3, from 7 to 9 pm. VMII is located at NW 63rd and May. The show will be up through the end of December 2007.