Southern Chase, NC Foreclosure Quilt detail, 2012. 23" x 30" Tea stained voile, cotton, linen, yarn and embroidery thread.
From the Foreclosure Quilts series by Kathryn Clark.
Click on any image to view its source.
Detail of A Large, Complex, Beautifully Stitched Boro Futon Cover from the Sri Threads blog.
Cleveland Foreclosure Quilt detail, 2011. 25" x 60" Cotton, linen, recycled denim and embroidery thread. From the Foreclosure Quilts series by Kathryn Clark.
Elodea canadensis, Gaspary, from the Dodel-Port Atlas, via Bibliodyssey.
Postcards from New York #11, 6 x 4 inches, on stretched canvas, ©2012 from the textile paintings of Lisa Call.
Detail of A Very Abraded and Beautiful Pakistani Ralli, from the Sri Threads blog.
Stigma and Pollen Tubes of Lilium martagon, from the Dodel-Port Atlas, via Bibliodyssey.