And We're Back

Sarah Atlee's Studio, 2011 My studio, featuring Submerge and Anonymous Niece.

How have you been? Glad to hear it.

I've enrolled in the Blog Triage online class taught by Alyson Stanfield and Cynthia Morris in an effort to spruce this place up. These smart ladies have started the course by asking participants to think about what goals they want their blogs to accomplish, and who they're writing for.

In other words, why do I have this blog? What do I hope you'll get out of it?

Interesting, interested people

I read a log of blogs. Like a ton, every day. My favorite posts on other people's blogs are the ones where I learn something new. About anything, not just art. This is my mission here - share what I've learned with you.

I post about painting techniques, sketches and experimental work, artists whose work I admire, art events happening in my area, and thoughts and ideas that roll across my landscape. If I think it's interesting, someone out there will be interested. I'll share with you; I hope you'll continue to share with me too.

What's interested me lately

David Rees sharpens pencils. I just love it when people find the thing they love to do.

I've been grooving to the beats of Kinshasa One Two for several weeks.

A cardboard arcade made by 9-year old Caine inspires me to build what I want using what I've got.

Ze Frank reminds us that we can begin anywhere. Like here.