Arizona, oil painting by Liz Roth, from the series America 101. Click image to visit the artist's site.
Liz Roth is one of my fellow artists from Art 365. Her installation of paintings, titled America 101, is a comment on consumerism versus the preservation of the American landscape. For her project, Liz travelled to all 50 states (yes, all) and painted two small landscapes from each state. These 100 paintings were hung along with one billboard-sized painting of one of America's most ubiquitous disposable commodities -- a water bottle.
Liz teaches at OSU in Stillwater, Oklahoma. In this video, Liz exemplifies the qualities I think every good art studio professor has. Her students learn from her about three important disciplines in art: technical, conceptual, and professional practices. I hope prospective art students see this video and enroll!
Speaking of prospective art students, OVAC is gathering information about opportunities for high school age artists. Read more about that here.